Presentation of the ecosystem
The governance
MED-OOC governance relies on several committees to ensure the smooth running of activities and ensure effective coordination. At the institutional level, a Steering Committee (ISC) brings together representatives of partner institutes and universities, with the mission of monitoring the strategic and financial progress of the program. The Program Executive Directors (DEP) ensure daily and strategic management. A Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), composed of international experts, evaluates the impact and positioning of the program on a global scale. Finally, a Program Executive Committee (PEC) coordinates cross-disciplinary actions and ensures that objectives are achieved, promoting exchanges between disciplines and monitoring deliverables.

Coordination Committee

The Consortium

Jointly supported by the CEA, the CNRS and INSERM, the program brings together French research stakeholders :

The CEA is a key player in scientific and technological research. The teams and research centers involved in the project are CEA Leti (Laboratory of Electronics and Information Technology)

The Curie Institute is the leading cancer research and treatment center in France.

With 135 research structures, Sorbonne University ranks among the top research-intensive universities.

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The CNRS is a major player in fundamental research. The teams and research centers involved in the project are Iemn (UMR 8520), LIMMS, BMBI, LP2N (UMR 5298)

The Toulouse University Hospital employs more than 3,632 doctors and medical students and ranks fourth among French university hospitals in terms of its level of activity.

The University of Lille has 64 research units. It hosts researchers from Iemn (the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology) in connection with the targeted MSY-OOC project.

Inserm is the only French public research organization entirely dedicated to human health. The teams and research centers involved in the project are the Curie Institute, the ENS (U1024), the Hepato-Biliary Center of Paul-Brousse Hospital (UMRS 1193), the University of Paris-Saclay (U996) and the UMRS 1116-ICan

The Grenoble Alpes University Hospital is the 12th largest hospital in France. It employs more than 11,500 professionals, including 1,700 doctors.

PSL brings together research laboratories in all fields. The research landscape is structured into 17 research areas which bring together the 140 laboratories.